UD 629
B. Dobroborski, E. Kadiskin (Loqus ltd,,
St.-Petersburg Medical Academy by I. Mechnicov).
Ergonomics an estimation
transport means on a parameter ergoemcost
modern vehicles, alongside with numerous characteristics frequently in detail
listed by firms - manufacturers in the passports and other accompanying
documents, have as well numerous the
ergonomics characteristics describing comfort and safety as of the driver, and
passengers. To them concern noise, vibration, , dust, form of armchairs, design instrument etc., as a rule, in the advertising and accompanying
documents not reflected.
Ergonomics of the characteristic of vehicles basically have a
quantitative individual estimation (noise level and vibrations, concentration
of a dust, brightness of headlights etc.), in spite of the fact that on
organizm of the person parameters
always influence common (G. Leman, 1967, V. Retnev, 1979). In a number of cases
the method of expert estimations, expressed in is applied to a complex
estimation numbers..
With the
purpose of complex ergonomics of a quantitative estimation of vehicles by
St.-Petersburg research-and-production firm "Loqus" together with
faculty of medicine of labour on transport of St.-Petersburg medical Academy by
I.Mechnicov the preliminary researches of an opportunity of use for this
purpose of ergonomics parameter "ERGOEMCOST", quantitatively are
carried out describing size of
biological expenses organizm of the person with various loadings (B.
Dobroborski, E. Kadiskin, 1997).
Feature of ergonomics parameter
ERGOEMCOST is that as against such known
of ergonomics parameters, as dimensions of the automobile, noise,
vibration, air conditioning, geometrical parameters of armchairs and bodies of
management etc., the separate
factors, being technical parameters of a vehicle, ergoemcost is integrated an ergonomics biological parameter, which
can characterize the vehicle wholly, with a complex, inherent in it of
ergonomics estimation of transport means on a parameter ergoemcost should be
made in standard conditions on the appropriate technique containing a complex
of medical researches organizm of the drivers and the mathematical analysis of
results on the special computer program.
Such researches are
rather labour-consuming and expensive procedure, therefore at the given stage
we carried out only preliminary researches, in the basic using results of the
published works.
developed scientific materials on this problem nowadays pass examination in
department of the sanitary control of ministry of public health services of
Russia and in research institute of medicine of labour Russian academy of
medical sciences.
definition ergoemcost by criterion of
biological expenses of the person the time of restoration of functional shifts,
in is accepted as a
result of labour activity - management of the vehicle.
analysis of available in our disposal materials has allowed to determine
quantitatively size of ergoemcost means
of urban public transport: buses, trolley buses, trams and automobile taxi.
As have
shown researches, law of development of functional shifts organizm of the
drivers of vehicles and their restoration as a whole corresponds to similar
processes in other kinds of labour activity of the person and has a general
view submitted on Fig.1 (G. Sorokin, 1984).
On Fig.2
the diagram of change of functional shifts at the drivers of trams on days of
week (V. Retnev, 1979) is submitted.
As it is
visible from the diagram, functional shifts arising at the drivers of trams,
during rest within day are not completely restored, and collect for one week.
Their restoration occurs only for days off. thus, unoptimum diagram of work of
the drivers of trams as, however, and other transport means and the
accumulation of their exhaustion within one week results in increase of
probability road failure.
In table
1 the results of accounts ergoemcost of various kinds public transport in
conditions of city are submitted.
Table 1.
Kind Transport |
Determined functional parameter |
Size ergoemcost |
A bus |
Systolic blood arterial
pressure |
18,4 |
8 |
A tram |
Latent period of differential
reaction to a sound |
16,2 |
8 |
A trolley bus |
Systolic blood arterial
pressure |
16,4 |
8 |
A automobile taxi |
Systolic blood arterial
pressure |
9,8 |
8 |
Analyzing materials of other researches we came to a conclusion, that
the meaning ergoemcost should not exceed 8 for 95 % of the people, that is
during rest between changes there should be a complete restoration of all
functional shifts.
we make the analysis of materials for accounts ergoemcost of cars. This work,
except actually definition of meanings ergoemcost, will allow to lead their
classification by this parameter and to reveal most safe among them.
this work passes only most initial period, some ways of improvement of a design
of cars, even of such leading firms, as Volvo and Mersedes, in particular,
change in a design of armchairs, parameters of radio equipment etc. are already
now visible.
of works, carried out by us, should become development and statement of the
standard on ergonomics to a
parameter ergoemcost, introduction it in the passport of the automobile and
organization of works on certification of a vehicle on this parameter.
The literature:
1. B.
Dobroborski, E. Kadiskin. Integrated a ergonomic parameter "
ergoemcost" as a measure of biological expenses of the person. The
collection of the reports and theses II
all-Russia is scientific - practical conference with international
participation " New in ecology and safety of ability to live " on May
20-22 1997. St.-Petersburg, In 3-rd
volumes. Under edition prof. N. Ivanov.
2. B.
Dobroborski, E. Kadiskin. To a question of measurement ergoemcost
-integrated of a ergonomics parameter of machines and industrial
equipment. The collection the reports and theses II All-Russia is scientific -
practical conferences with between by
national participation " New in ecology and safety of ability to live
" 20-22 may 1997. St.-Petersburg,
In 3-rd volumes. Under edition prof. N. Ivanov.
3. G. Leman. Practical
physiology of labour. Medicine. Moscow. 1967.
4. G.
Sorokin. Research of functional condition of the person with definition optimum
rate of impellent activity. The auto abstract of the dissertation.
St.-Petersburg. 1984.
5. Hygiene
of labour of the drivers of urban passenger transport. Under red. prof. V.
Retnev Medicine. Moscow.1979.