V.Maimulov, A.Gora, B. Dobroborski, . Kadiskin, V.Naumov


Quantitative estimation of workplaces of the airdispatchers and definition of perspective ways of their improvement

with the help of a parameter "Ergoemcost"


The problem of safety of air flights is one of most urgent in the world.

Despite of significant efforts of conducting world firms specializing on development of workplaces of the airdispatchers, these places do not provide necessary guarantees from mistakes because of the human factor sometimes which is coming to an end by accidents.

The researches, carried out by us, of existing designs, structure and configuration of the equipment on workplaces of the airdispatchers Russian Federation, used at the various airenterprises, including advanced, in particular, developed and made now by firm "Nita" (Russia), have shown, that the workplaces of the airdispatchers are executed with gross infringements of the normative documents, in particular of standard of Russia R 50923-96 " Displays. A workplace of the operator. The common ergonomic requirements and requirements by industrial environment. Methods of measurement ", sanitary rules and norms" Hygienic requirements to videodisplay terminals, personal computers both organization of work " and line of the hygienic recommendations.

To such infringements, in particular, it is necessary to attribute high, including accommodation of monitors in two levels, high arrangement of a table-tops unsufficient or an inconvenient place for legs, an arrangement of the operative information above a head of the dispatcher etc.

In a fig. 1 the example of a workplace of a complex of automation of planning of air movement "Planet" of firm "Nita" is given.


As it is visible from a fig. 1, the design of a workplace does not meet to the requirements GOST R 50923-96, in particular, on a level of installation of monitors, high arrangement of a table-top etc., that forces the operator for a long time to be in the inconvenient compelled pose.

. All this substantially reduces serviceability of the operator and increases probability of his mistake.


Fig. 1. A workplace of a complex of automation of planning of air movement "Planet" of firm "Nita".


In a fig. 2 other design of firm "Nita" - complex dispatching workplace for trainings "Expert" is given.


As it is visible from a fig. 2, the design of a complex dispatching workplace "Expert" has the same basic lacks, as "Planet": a high table-top, high arrangement of monitors. But here there is one more essential lack - there is no sufficient place for legs.

In a fig. 3 the design of a dispatching educational place "Navigator" of firm " Computer training systems " is given.

As it is visible from a fig. 3, this educational place has the same lacks, as "Planet"

The researches, carried out(spent) by us, which results are resulted below, have shown, that the inconvenient workplaces cause in the airdispatchers to fast overfatigue and significant growth of probability of mistakes because of the human factor.

Fig. 2. A complex dispatching educational place "Expert" of firm "Nita".


Thus, efficiency of huge expenses on technical arms of the airdispatchers: locators, pelengatours, automated control systems, ñëîæíåéøèå the computer programs and so on, because of bad designing of workplaces of the airdispatchers considerably decreases, that quite often results in emergencies and even to accidents.

As have shown our supervision over work of the airdispatchers, even in a mode of training, at imitation of emergencies them îðãàíèçì is exposed to serious stressful loadings resulting in increase arterial pressure, to the increased number of intimate reductions etc. And during work the airdispatchers frequently of changes in a condition organism do not mark.

As the basic reasons of such rule(situation) it is necessary to consider the following:

1. Tradition in thinking of the developers of workplaces of the airdispatchers;

2. Absence of means of a quantitative estimation of ergonomic parameters of workplaces of the airdispatchers;

3. Absence on workplaces of means of the operative control of a physical and psychological condition the airdispatchers.


Fig. 3. A dispatching educational place "Navigator" of firm " Computer training systems ".



As a result of joint works of faculty of preventive medicine of the St.-Petersburg medical academy by him I.I.Machnicov, research-and-production firm "Sensor control", fund of assistance to development of the international scientific and technical and cultural communications "Cooperation" and firms " Computer training systems " (the Academy of civil aircraft) was developed an essentially new design of a workplace of the airdispatchers completely taking into account the requirements of the mentioned above normative documents, and also character and specificity of work of the airdispatchers.

On this workplace use of the modern equipment and specialized computer program "Navigator", and also system of the operative control of a condition of health of the airdispatchers " The Doctor Maus " is stipulated.


Fig. 4. A working breadboard model of an ergonomic dispatching educational place "Navigator"



For an estimation of efficiency of the workplace, entered into a design, of the airdispatcher of changes we carried out comparative researches of a dispatching educational place "Navigator" and working breadboard model.

The researches, carried out(spent) by us, of a condition oreganism of the airdispatchers included the following techniques:

1.      Psychological test "Attention" under the tables Shulte;

2.      Measurement arterial of pressure on a method Korotcov;

3. Measurement tremor;

4. Measurement of temperature of a surface of brushes of hands;

5. Pletismografiy.

Registration and analysis pletismograms were made with use of a computer complex " the Doctor Maus ", with which help the operative registration (about one minute) pletismogramm from the large finger of the right hand with the subsequent mathematical processing of the received information was carried out.

Psychological estimation of workplaces on parameter "Attention", and also quantitative estimation and structural analysis of quality of workplaces on parameter "Ergoemcost" were made with the help of the special computer program " Loqus 2003.1".

The results of researches have shown, that by the basic reason of weariness of the airdispatchers was not huge psychological loading, as was considered always, and physical, caused as inconvenient workplaces. And the weariness from physical loading exceeded weariness from psychological loading up to 2 times.

New workplace executed in view of all ergonomic recommendations: height of a table, situation of a head, hands and legs, direction of a sight, on Ergoemcost with a workplace "Navigator" has allowed to reduce weariness of the airdispatchers up to three times.

On a new workplace by the basic reason of weariness was already psychological loading.

Thus, application in ergonomic researches of the computer program " Loqus 2003.1" and equipment " The Doctor Maus ", have allowed quantitatively to determine ergonomic quality of workplaces and basic directions on their improvement.

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