espite the Rosh HaShana War, despite ArafatТs villainy, despite the ArabsТ
implacable hatred of Jews and of Israel, the suicidal peace process goes
on.а What is more, both Arik Sharon and
Benjamin Netanyahu continue to prattle about Уpeaceful coexistenceФ between
Jews and Arabs, oblivious of the fact that such Уpolitically correctФ nonsense
(if not mendacity) disarms the Jews and increases Arab contempt for Israel and
its political leaders.
Now, in view of the fact that there are enough Knesset votes to topple
the Barak Government,а why hasnТt this
been done, and under SharonТs leadership?а
Is it because he knows that the Likud, should it win the ensuing
national elections, has no alternative to the Oslo peace process?а Is Sharon reluctant to assume the responsibility
of becoming IsraelТs next prime minister because he hasnТt the foggiest notion
of how to undo that covenant of death?
Of course, it may appear unpatriotic of Sharon to refrain from joining
Barak in some sort of national unity government.а But BarakТs continuance in office constitutes a clear and present
danger to the State of Israel.а IsraelТs
most highly decorated soldier is, to put it mildly, its most inept and inflated
prime minister.а And he gives every
indication that he will continue to yield more and more of IsraelТs spiritual
and strategic assets to Arafat, who is far more cunning not only of Barak, but
any foreseeable Israeli leader.
Israeli politicians should accept the fact that they are no match for
Arafat, especially when he has the Clinton Administration on his side.а For this reason alone they must terminate
the Oslo covenant of death.а They are
simply incapable of dealing with a creature who personifies Evil.а So, what must be done?
First, Barak must be removed from office as soon as possible.а Second, his successor must disarm and
eliminate the PLO (euphemistically known as the Palestinian Authority).а Obviously this will be a bloody undertaking,
but the sooner it is accomplished the less the bloodshed.а Indeed, it must be accomplished within a few
days and without media coverage.а Once
Judea, Samaria, and Gaza are pacified, the Government should take steps to move
some of its ministries into eastern Jerusalem, Ramallah, Shechem, the Galillee,
and other Arab populated areas.а Such
moves will convince Arabs that Jews intend to remain in these areas permanently.
Fourth, as I proposed to Mr. Netanyahu before he went to the Wye
Plantation Summit, and as proposed in my book Jewish Statesmanship,
the Government should pass a Homestead Actа
such as that enacted by the Congress of the United State in 1862.а Small plots of land in Judea, Samaria, and
Gaza should be sold at low prices to Jews both in Israel and abroad with the
proviso that they settle on the land, say for a period of six years.а This would diminish the dangerous population
density of IsraelТs large cities and, at the same time, encourage Jewish
immigration to Israel.а Model cities
should be built, facilitated by foreign investment on terms favorable to
investors.а At the same time, the
Government should not only enfranchise Israelis living abroad, but formulate an
economic policy that would encourage tens of thousands of these Israelis to
return to their homeland.
Had such policies been implemented shortly after the Six Day War, many
Arabs, without any prompting by the Government, would have emigrated to Jordan
and the Persian Gulf states.а Having
formed no distinct culture or solid infrastructure in Judea and Samaria, their
attachment to the land is superficialЧavowals to the contrary
notwithstanding.а Indeed, while Jordan
ruled the area from 1949 to 1967, about 400,000 Arabs moved from Judea and
Samaria to the eastern side of the Jordan River.а During and immediately after the 1967 war, 200,000 more
ArabsЧroughly one of every five inhabitantsЧmoved to the East Bank.а
The move involves no great inconvenience.а The distance from Shechem to Amman is only 46 miles.а Which means that the Arabs of Judea and
Samaria can move to Jordan as readily as they can drive to and work in Israel. ааIf IsraelТs Government had also moved some
of its ministries to Judea and Samaria, the idea of a Palestinian state would
have died before it was born.
It will be asked:а Does Israel
have the statesman for so grandiose a program?а
I answer:а Nothing less is
required for IsraelТs salvation, especially when one considers the prolific
birthrate of the Arab population west of the Jordan.
But let me offer a simple preliminary step.а Let Sharon, backed by Sharansky, demand that Arab Knesset members
such as Azmi Bashira, Abd-Al Malek Dahamshe, and others of their ilk be indicted for sedition.а Let it be known that Jews will now go on the
offensive against their sworn enemies.а
Removing seditious Arabs from the Knesset would have a tremendous
positive impact on the Jewish people.аа
It would restore a good measure of their national pride, the one thing
lacking and so desperately needed in this country.