Preprint 1996-030

Higher Order Discretisation of Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Mixed Systems

R. Bodenmann and H. J. Schroll

Abstract: An initial-boundary value problem for a system of nonlinear partial differential equations which consists of a hyperbolic and a parabolic part is taken into consideration. Spacial derivatives are discretised by third order consistent difference operators which are constructed such that a summation--by--parts formula holds. Therefore, the space discretisation is energy bounded and algebraically stable implicit Runge-Kutta methods can be applied to integrate in time. Boundary layers arising from the artificial boundary conditions are analysed and nonlinear convergence is proved.

Available as PostScript
Higher Order Discretisation of Initial-Boundary Value Problems for Mixed Systems
R. Bodenmann
H. J. Schroll,
Publishing information:
Research Report No. 96-05, Seminar fuer Angewandte Mathematik, ETH-Zurich
Submitted by: August 26 1996.

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