Preprint 1996-036

Convergence Analysis for Operator Splitting Methods to Conservation Laws with Stiff Source Terms

Tao Tang

Abstract: We analyze the order of convergence for operator splitting methods applied to conservation laws with stiff source terms. We suppose that the source term $q(u)$ is dissipative. It is proved that the $L^1$ error introduced by the time-splitting can be bounded by $O( \D t \Vert q(u_0 )\Vert_{L^1(\R)} )$, which is an improvement of the $O( Q \D t )$ upper bound, where $\D t$ is the splitting time step, $Q$ is the Lipschitz constant of $q$ or $Q= \max_{u} \vert q'(u) \vert$ in case $q$ is smooth. We also propose a non-uniform temporal mesh which can eliminate the effect of the initial layer introduced by the stiff source term.

Available as PostScript
Convergence Analysis for Operator Splitting Methods to Conservation Laws with Stiff Source Terms
Tao Tang,
Publishing information:
Submitted by: October 12 1996.

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Last modified: Mon Oct 14 09:27:59 1996
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