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(1869 – 1959)
Biography Charles Thomson Rees Wilson was born on the 14th of February, 1869, in the parish
of Glencorse, near Edinburgh. His father, John Wilson, was a farmer, and his
ancestors had been farmers in the South of Scotland for generations. His mother
was Annie Clerk Harper. At
the age of four he lost his father, and his mother moved with the family to
Manchester, where he was at first educated at a private school, and later at
Owen's College - now the University of Manchester. Here, intending to become
a physician, Wilson took up mainly biology. Having been granted an entrance
scholarship in 1888 he went on to Cambridge (Sidney Sussex College), where he
took his degree in 1892. It was here that he became interested in the
physical sciences, especially physics and chemistry. (It was also possible
that Wilson's decision to abandon medicine was influenced by Balfour Stewart,
who was professor of physics at Owen's College at that time - about a dozen
years earlier, J.
J. Thomson, who also went to Cambridge, had passed through the same
College.) When
standing on the summit of Ben Nevis, the highest of the Scottish mountains,
in the late summer of 1894, Wilson was struck by the beauty of coronas and
"glories" (coloured rings surrounding shadows cast on mist and cloud),
and he decided to imitate these natural phenomena in the laboratory (early
1895). His sharp observation and keen intellect, however, led him to suspect
(after a few months' work at the Cavendish Laboratory) that the few drops
reappearing again and again each time he expanded a volume of moist,
dust-free air, might be the result of condensation on nuclei - possibly the
ions causing the "residual" conductivity of the atmosphere-produced
continuously. Wilson's hypothesis was supported after exposure (early 1896)
of his primitive cloud chamber to the newly discovered (end of 1895)
X-rays. The immense increase of the "rain-like" condensation fitted
excellently with the observation made by Thomson and McClelland immediately
after Röntgen's discovery, that air was made conductive by the passage
of X-rays. When, during the summer of that year, it was firmly established by
Thomson and Rutherford
that the conductivity was indeed due to ionization of the gas, there was no
longer any doubt that ions in gases could be detected and, photographically,
recorded and thus studied at leisure. Wilson's appointment as Clerk Maxwell
Student, at the end of that year, enabled him to devote all his time for the
next three years to research, and for a year subsequent to this he was
employed by the Meteorological Council in research on atmospheric
electricity. The greater part of his work on the behaviour of ions as
condensation nuclei was thus carried out in the years 1895-1900, whilst after
this his other occupations - mainly tutorial - prevented him from dealing
sufficiently with the development of the cloud chamber. Early in 1911,
however, he was the first person to see and photograph the tracks of
individual alpha- and beta-particles and electrons. (The latter were
described by him as "little wisps and threads of clouds".) The
event aroused great interest as the paths of the alpha-particles were just as
H. Bragg had drawn them in a publication some years earlier. But it was
not until 1923 that the cloud chamber was brought to perfection and led to
his two, beautifully illustrated, classic papers on the tracks of electrons.
Wilson's technique was promptly followed with startling success in all parts
of the world - in Cambridge, by Blackett
(who in 1948 received the Nobel Prize on account of his further development
of the cloud chamber and his discoveries made therewith) and Kapitsa;
in Paris, by Irène Curie and Auger; in Berlin, by Bothe, Meitner, and
Philipp; in Leningrad, by Skobelzyn; in Tokio, by Kikuchi. Some
of the most important achievements using the Wilson chamber were: the
demonstration of the existence of Compton recoil electrons, thus establishing
beyond any doubt the reality of the Compton effect (Compton shared the Nobel
Prize with Wilson in 1927); the discovery of the positron by Anderson (who
was awarded the Nobel Prize for 1936 for this feat); the visual demonstration
of the processes of "pair creation" and "annihilation" of
electrons and positrons by Blackett and Occhialini; and that of the
transmutation of atomic nuclei carried out by Cockcroft and Walton. Thus,
Rutherford's remark that the cloud chamber was "the most original and
wonderful instrument in scientific history" has been fully justified. In
1900, Wilson was made Fellow of Sidney Sussex College, and University
Lecturer and Demonstrator. From then until 1918 he was in charge of the
advanced teaching of practical physics at the Cavendish Laboratory, and also
gave lectures on light. As well as his experimental work at the Cavendish
Laboratory, he also made observations (1900-1901) on atmospheric electricity
(mainly in the surroundings of Peebles in Scotland). In 1913, he was
appointed Observer in Meteorological Physics at the Solar Physics
Observatory, and most of his research both on the tracks of ionizing
particles and on thunderstorm electricity was carried out there. In 1918, he
was appointed Reader in Electrical Meteorology, and in 1925, Jacksonian
Professor of Natural Philosophy. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
in 1900, and this Society also honoured him with the Hughes Medal (1911), a
Royal Medal (1922), and the Copley Medal (1935). The Cambridge Philosophical
Society awarded him the Hopkins Prize (1920), and the Royal Society of
Edinburgh the Gunning Prize (1921), while the Franklin Institute presented
him the Howard Potts Medal (1925). After
his retirement Wilson moved to Edinburgh, and later, at the age of 80, to the
village of Carlops, close to his birthplace at the farmhouse of Crosshouse,
at Glencorse. Life after this, however, was not an empty one: C.T.R. as his
friends and colleagues called him, maintained social contacts, making a
weekly journey by bus to the city to lunch with them. Scientifically, too, he
was active to the end, finishing his long-promised manuscript on the theory
of thundercloud electricity (Proc. Roy. Soc. London, August (1956)). Among
the few who enjoyed his personal guidance may be mentioned: In
1908, Professor Wilson married Jessie Fraser, daughter of Rev. G. H. Dick of
Glasgow; there were two sons and two daughters. He
died on the 15th of November, 1959, in the midst of his family. From
Lectures, Physics 1922-1941, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam,
1965 |
Чарлз Томсон Рис Вильсон награжден премией за метод визуального обнаружения траекторий электрически заряженных частиц с помощью конденсации пара. Изучал атмосферные явления, изобретал приборы, позволяющие измерить суммарный заряд, переносимый молнией, и другие характеристики гроз. Представления В. о происхождении электрических полей в грозах и атмосфере были новаторским вкладом в понимание этих явлений.
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