Giving Ground |
Liquefaction is a subtle and devastating effect of earthquakes; only now is it being widely assessed.
It was an undignified thing to happen to a block of flats. Japan is an earthquake-aware country, and when apartment complexes were built in the Kawagishi-cho area in the city of Niigata, they were sturdy reinforced concrete. But after a magnitude 7.5 shock on June 16, 1964, it was not the structures that gave way but the ground beneath them. Hundreds of buildings tilted like ships listing in heavy seas, victims of soil liquefaction. When the time came for repairs, some of the buildings were simply winched back upright without appreciable damage.
Photos of that spectacle are in all the textbooks. The liquefaction in Niigata was not deadly (only 26 died from the quake and tsunami), but it was still an expensive calamity, and a notorious indictment of civil engineering practices. Really important structures, not just buildings, collapsed with the liquefied soilbridges and roads, airports and rail lines.
There are four main hazards from earthquakes: shaking, faulting,
tsunamis, and ground failure. Liquefaction is how shaking causes ground failure. If you've played on the beach, you can see how it works: take a patch of wet sand down in the surf zone. It may be firm enough to walk on, but if you pat it a few times the saturated sand turns to muck. In earthquakes, the same thing occurs in buried layers of young sediment, down at the water table as deep as 10 or 20 meters.Here's what happens to your patch of beach sand. The sand is full of water and it's freshly deposited, so the grains are loosely packed. Shaking makes the sand grains settle down more densely, but the water can't get out of the way fast enough. In physics terms, the downward force of the sand's weight meets an upward force from the water, and when those two forces are nearly equal, the solid sand turns to a semiliquid. Geologists classify what happens next into several different kinds of ground failure.
We can counteract liquefaction by fixing the soileither draining it, to remove the ground water, or compacting it, so it won't settle any further. Exactly what work to do in a given place, and how much of it is enough, are matters for geotechnical engineers.
More important for planning and policy purposes is knowing where the susceptible ground lies. Geologists are part of that effort, and in many earthquake-prone regions they are mapping the kinds of deposits that could liquefy under the right amount of shaking. Seismologists, for their part, create maps of the same region showing the degree of earthquake shaking to be expected. Lay the two maps together, and planners can get an idea of where the worst places to build are.
California is not only doing this work, but putting the resulting maps online. I'm doing my own small part by turning them from fat PDFs to slimmer JPEGs. Liquefaction hazard maps are here for
San Francisco, Oakland, and part of San Jose.